samedi 18 juillet 2015

Finally I am an offical member of the club!!

My dealer surprised me yesterday with a call that my 2016 was in! He told me to come by and take a look later in the day. I was not expecting to take her home as I ordered the new high wing spoiler without the Z%! package which means that it would be dealer installed which would take a couple of days, so I was expecting to see the car in the shop or on the back lot. To my surprise, she was in the middle of the show room and he told me to take her home for the weekend!!:woohoo:
The spoiler was not in yet as it did not ship with the car and they are installing it next week! But my baby is home.................
Click the image to open in full size.

Just Got Her Home!

This has been a life long dream of mine. When I was between 5-10 years old, mt dad sold Chevys and I used to go into the showroom and sit in the vets and dream...Click the image to open in full size.

1970-1971 Cort Chevrolet NY

And even before that I had my eyes on a Corvette, it was probably the first car I drove...
Click the image to open in full size.

Me and my dad 1965 /66 at the Cortland NY Soap Box Derby sponsored by Chevrolet. My dad was a VIP and got to drive this C3 prototype go cart. There I am at the wheel telling him to FLOOR IT!

Time to go cruising and let the mods begin..:cheers:

Finally I am an offical member of the club!!

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