vendredi 17 juillet 2015

Pace Car 350 L82 - sell or stalk?

Hi all,

Last year I bought this engine to use in one of my projects. Previous owner said it was originally out of a '78 Pace Car. After checking the numbers, it does appear to be an L82 and the stamping puts it within the range of the Pace Car production numbers.

I used the engine stamping to recreate the VIN and did a title search on the owner. There was no phone number for him so I sent him a letter letting him know I have the original engine to his car, but I never heard back. No way of knowing if the letter actually reached him or not.

So, not sure what to do with the engine. I would think that the original owner would like to have it, but I don't know how else to reach him short of showing up on his front door. That's a lot more stalkerish than sending a letter.

Engine has been completely rebuilt and never fired. Any opinions on what it's worth if I were to sell it?


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Pace Car 350 L82 - sell or stalk?

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